The original date of this article in Charisma is very significant to me personally. It was dated July of 2015. I wish I had seen it then. Little did I know that the next 5 months was going to be one of the most difficult and frustrating times in ministry I had ever experienced. However, as usual...the storm was strong, but the victory was greater! That season of pressure and difficulty was the incubator for the planting of our current church The Altar. God would actually use the pressure to steer us into the greatest victories of our lives.
Read the article and take heart if you are under attack.
July 2015, Lana Vawser
There is a great assault and attack against many front-line
leaders and forerunners right now. The enemy is working hard to 'shut down'
these ones and hinder them from moving forward and stepping into what the Lord
is about to do in and through them.
had a vision where I first heard the Lord say, "Front-line leaders and
forerunners, batten down the hatches."
then saw many front-line leaders and forerunners all together and bent down on
their knees with their shields held up in front of them, sitting behind their
shield of faith, and there was a barrage of arrows being thrown at them. Every
time they have thought the "assault" had ended they stood up and the
arrows would begin again. Many front-line leaders and forerunners have felt
like they are in a moment of complete 'assault' from many directions. I saw
many front-line leaders and forerunners weary from the battle.
this vision, I was in front of these front-line leaders and forerunners and I
could see the enemy and his demons which were shooting arrow after arrow at
them attempting to wound them. In the 'weariness' many of these front-line
leaders and forerunners were facing at times they put their shield down out of
discouragement and weariness from holding it up, and were "hit" and
"wounded" by these arrows that had come against them. So they were
then holding their shield of faith up again but finding it harder than before
because of the "wounds" they had received.
I then saw Jesus walk up behind many of these front-line leaders
and forerunners, and I saw Him place His hand on their backs one by one and He
was praying for them, interceding for them. As I watched, I saw Him moving His
hand all across their backs in different spots. I walked over to have a look
and saw other wounds these front-line leaders and forerunners had received were
on their back. But the enemy was in front of them, so I was perplexed by these
wounds on their back.
this "knowing" came over many. Not only were many of these front-line
leaders and forerunners being hit from the front and the enemy coming on strong
with his assault, there has been an assault against many of these ones from the
'back.' Being "stabbed in the back" by people they trusted, even
other believers, judgments, curses and jealous words that had been spoken
against them.
could see Jesus was healing these wounds and praying for their strength in the
midst of their battle. As He prayed His Words of truth and love were bringing
such deep healing. A deep strengthening was happening in these front-line ones.
"And the God of Israel will be
your rear guard." (Isaiah 52:12, MEV).
Lord then spoke, "A refreshing heavenly oasis (a fertile spot in a
desert, where water is found.) is opening up before you. An invitation into
deeper intimacy in the midst of this battle. Many of you have felt you are in
the desert; the battle has been so intense that weariness has left you in a
place of feeling dry and exhausted. Before you I am opening up a fertile spot,
a place of life and heavenly waters of refreshing in Me."
of incredible encounters with Him are opening up for front-line leaders and
forerunners right now.
I saw pools of water forming around these front-line leaders and forerunners in
the midst of the battle. Nothing had changed from the "arrows" coming
against them, but there was a new level of intimacy being opened up for them as
they remain steadfast in faith. Encounters with His heart like they have never had
before while in the chaos of the battle. A deep refreshing was coming to these
ones. An increase of visions, prophetic dreams and encounters that was seeing
them begin to stand up in the midst of this battle and walk forward in
these ones began to walk forward in boldness I saw Jesus walking with them. I
could see Him behind them, beside them and before them all at the same time.
They were holding their shield of faith in their hands and a determination in
their heart and eyes to see the enemy and his demons overcome by the authority
that was theirs.
they moved forward, the enemy began to retreat, farther and farther back. I
then noticed that as they were moving forward in boldness and a deep
refreshment that had taken place in these encounters, I saw the body of Christ
as a whole and in the middle I saw a clock. It looked like a normal clock face
with numbers and clock hands, but then also on the clock face were various
quadrants which represented seasons the body of Christ was moving into.
saw the hour hand was seconds away from midnight, but still in the
"contending season" quadrant. As these ones moved forward they began
to speak out declarations and heavenly revelations the Lord had given them in
these encounters and suddenly the clock began to shake. It was like an
earthquake was happening in the middle of the clock and suddenly I saw the
clock hand move to midnight and then again suddenly forward into "harvest
revival increase time."
"knowing" then came over me that many of these forefront leaders and
forerunners have been under such assault because the Lord is releasing through
them the revelations and kingdom keys to shift the body of Christ into
"harvest revival increase time," but at an accelerated pace. Moving the
people of God into a time of great revival within the body of Christ and
releasing revival to the world.
they were "fighting for" behind their shields was not only for their
personal breakthrough but also fighting on behalf of the body of Christ to see
one of the greatest shifts the church has ever seen before. Paving the way,
breaking ground for the body of Christ to move into the greatest time of
harvest, revival and increase they have ever experienced.
as this clock hand moved past midnight into the "harvest revival increase
time" I saw physical ailments, unexplained sickness and diseases, heavy
financial burdens and word curses suddenly disappear off these front-line
leaders and forerunners. Much of what these ones had endured through this
season was sent from the enemy to stop them from moving forward and shifting
the body of Christ into her new season. There was sudden restoration.
saw Jesus approach these leaders and forerunners who had stood firm and moved
forward, and hand them a huge kingdom key. As He placed it in their hands
they spoke, "Thank you Lord, I receive and believe." I saw this key
labeled "double recompense." As their declaration and thankfulness
met with His provision, suddenly "double doors" were unlocked around
them and that released "double recompense" upon them for all that had
been taken and broken in the 'assault.'
leaders, and forerunners, there has been great assault against many of you, and
the enemy has been screaming, "give up." Do not give up, for you are
not only fighting for your personal breakthrough but the shifting of the body
of Christ into the greatest season we have seen thus far. You are but steps
away from breakthrough. The Lord is with you. He is bringing healing to you.
of the greatest encounters with Him are upon you in the midst of the battle. He
is opening up a heavenly oasis of refreshing before you in the midst of the
battle. You will receive GREAT wisdom and revelation in these encounters and
great strengthening that will not only set you on your feet again, but give you
the keys to shift the body of Christ into this new season.
Lord is walking with you, behind you and before you. It may seem that things
have been lost and broken in this season, and it may feel like you have been
under a constant barrage of arrows, but you are moving forward in greater
strength, courage, fearlessness and revelation. Not only will you see
tremendous breakthrough in your life, and receive double recompense but a huge
corporate breakthrough and shifting across the body of Christ.
honor you for fighting. Jesus honors you for fighting and standing. I am proud
of you front-line leaders and forerunners. Jesus is proud of you front-line
leaders and forerunners. Thank you for standing! Jesus thanks you for standing.
Your faith, obedience and sacrifice has not gone unnoticed. Great is your
stands before you welcoming you into your "harvest revival increase
time" with the body of Christ following after you.
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